Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - To thine own self be true

Hopeology Newsletter

July 2011

Summer greetings, all!

The following is an article we wrote for the
"Snap Out of It!"
Women's Conference which will be held in Dallas September 16th and 17th. Hopeology was invited to speak and run a breakout session. This in an annual event and they are preparing for 200 participants. It should be fun!

This article was written for women, but applies to everyone!

“I love you, but I love me more.”

Whoa, Nellie! Are we allowed to say that? From our earliest memories we are taught not to be selfish and that it is important to make others happy. For generations women have been giving themselves up so everyone around them could “make it”. Too often we give and give - and give ourselves away.

Saying something like “I love you, but I love me more” just sounds wrong. But the paradox is that in order to do a good job of loving others, we have to do a good job of loving ourselves first. A great analogy is that in a flying emergency we need to put on our oxygen mask before helping others. We can’t help anyone else if we’re passed out!

We at Hopeology believe that a principle reason we come to this planet is to learn to love. Yes, to love others, but perhaps most importantly, to learn to love ourselves – just the way we are, in this and every moment. Allowing ourselves to say, “Yes you, but me, too“ immediately brings new perspective and balance to situations. We are making a conscious choice to be true to ourselves.

Listen to your soul. To thine own self be true!

For those of you who are local, on August 9th Hopeology
will be giving a presentation as part of Longmont United Hospital's senior wellness program called "PrestigePLUS". The title of this summer's series is, "The Care and Feeding of Your Body, Mind and Soul". It is from 4:00 - 5:30 at the Senior Center and admission is free. We would love to see you there!
Call 303.651.8411 to register. (55+)

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne