Sunday, December 25, 2011

December Newsletter

December Newsletter

~Happy Holidays~

May your spirit be merry and bright!

“Let Go to Grow”

It is the last few weeks of the year - time to let go of the events and emotions of 2011 and move into a new cycle. Like a snake shedding its skin, it is a great time to let go of all that old stuff. I certainly have things I’d like to let go from 2011. I don’t know if I’m having a mid-life crisis or what, but I want to reinvent myself. I want to be more of who I truly am, more often. Eckhart Tolle talks about “Role vs. Function”. What do we say or do just because we are playing the role of parent, spouse, boss - whomever? We so easily and frequently label ourselves: “I’m a teacher, I’m a lawyer, I’m an accountant, mother, wife, father, or brother. Or we own all sorts of things: “I am angry, I am depressed, I have MS, PMS, PTSD". But at what point does the label/role we are playing become the initiator of how we act? Can we choose to be authentic and function in the most balanced way for the current situation? Can we be “legit” and respond (not react) to the situation from that present moment, without our tag-along past? (Those are some big, heavy bags! UFF-DA.) A new year sounds like the perfect time to act like a snake and shed our skins. It’s time to let go of all the stuff that isn’t the true us; all that doesn’t serve who we are right now.

Our world isn’t going to change until we do.


Recent Hopeology Radio Interviews:
(We're getting national!)

“Jumpstart” with Chad and Kat Smith on Fitness Radio, Hagerstown, Maryland.
“Communication 360” with Lisa and Phillip Mulford from Virginia.
“Limitless” with Carl Como “810 AM Radio. Orlando’s’ Real talk radio.”
“Dresser After Dark” with Michael Dresser, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


“This business of freeing oneself from the weight of long-held emotional distresses isn't for sissies.” - Leigh Fortson

Our buddy, Leigh Fortson (Embrace, Release, Heal: An Empowering Guide to Talking about, Thinking about and Treating Cancer) was interviewed on CBS’ Sunday Morning. See the segment here:;lst;1

The following is part of Leigh’s blog on the Huffington Post website.

“That stress levels affect our physical well-being is nothing new, but wasn't touched upon in the show. Dr. David Felten, a researcher at Beaumont Hospitals, discovered the pathway between the brain and body to establish the widely accepted science called psychoneuroimmunology. Simply put, it's the science explaining that when our thoughts or feelings are rooted in love, joy, compassion, hope and so on, our brains release chemicals that boost our immune system. Likewise, when we're in the throes of negativity as expressed through anger, hatred, blame, fear and so on, other chemicals are released that suppress our immune system. This should be proof positive that how we feel matters.”

We at Hopeology KNOW this to be true. Thoughts were a big piece of Anne’s puzzle of wellness and continue to be a major avenue for both of us staying healthy. This truth may not be widely accepted right now, but it is coming!

Read Leigh’s whole blog at:

(It just keeps getting better and better!)

To learn more about Protandim and how it works click here or to order the product go to
Feel free to write or call us with questions.

Big blessings to you and your kin!

Sending ease and peace,

Maura and Anne

******Need a Colorado Mountain Vacation?*******
Check out the Youle Family’s vacation rental property:

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Maura and Anne

303-776 7106

303-859 3320

If you know someone who could benefit from Hopeology,

please pass it forward. Thank you!

If you do not wish to receive communication from us, you can unsubscribe below.

Monday, November 28, 2011

November Newsletter

November Newsletter


"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." Epictetus 1st Century AD.

Hello Hopeologists!

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays. It isn’t about gifts or candy, there’s less rush and, although one could argue that there is a gluttony factor, mostly it is about being with people you love. That is great, but what sometimes gets lost in the mix is exactly what the holiday is called: Thanksgiving.

Really, Thanksgiving should be every day of our lives, as many moments as we can string together. As we cultivate the habit of gratitude our focus shifts from all that we may perceive as wrong to what is actually right – and there is so much! We tend to sleep-walk through life, not truly experiencing the beauty and blessings all around us.

There is a company called “Heart Math” and they have measured the electro-magnetic emission from that big electro-magnet called “our heart”. When we are being grateful and appreciative and feeling love, our heart emits a wave that measures 0.10 hertz, or 1 cycle per second. This electro-magnetic wave interacts with our brain and therefore, with all of our physical functions. “The consistent and pervasive influence of the heart’s rhythmic patterns on the brain and body not only affects our physical health, but also significantly influences perceptual processing, emotional experience, and intentional behavior." Our whole vibration shifts when we are in a state of appreciation and thankfulness. Feel how good you feel when you are in this state ! Check out this interesting paper called, The Coherent Heart.

I’ve heard gratitude called the “great multiplier”. The more thankful we are, the more we have to be thankful for. It just happens! The Pilgrims knew what they were doing. Have a beautiful holiday!


*We have a wonderful new friend. Her name is Jill Hendricks and she writes a beautiful blog called “Restore 44”. Jill is 44 and has taken a year off to heal from an auto-immune disease and other physical issues. She came to a Hopeology workshop in early October and has just taken flight using as much of Hopeology as she can apply. She writes about how she is healing, figuring out the spiritual, emotional, mental issues that have contributed to the dis-ease in her body. It is fascinating to see the similarities with Anne’s recovery. Jill is awakening out of disease and sharing her beautiful insights as she does. Reading Restore 44 is like watching a miracle unfold.


* And now for something completely different! Want to go Mexico and/or Spain this spring? Want to learn watercolor painting while there? Our friend, Dottie Oatman, has been running trips to Spain and Mexico since 2007. Hurry, because the deposit for Mexico is due December 1st. Dottie is a joyful, bright spirit and a blast to be with - I imagine even more so when she’s in Mexico or Spain! Check out the "Travel" page on her website:

We are excited about people’s response to Protandim……..
Here are some of the issues it is helping our friends with. These are people we know.

Improvement, normalizing, lessening of the following issues:

Migraines and Headaches
Cystic Fibrosis
Old Injuries
Blood Sugar Levels
Restless Leg Syndrome
Sleep Apnea

For videos explaining Protandim, why it is so unique and how it works click here or to order the product go to
Feel free to write or call us with questions.

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

303-776 7106

303-859 3320

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - August 2011

Hopeology Newsletter

September 2011


We have fun news, but first, take 4 minutes to see this video - and definitely share it with your kids.

This gentleman is the KING of Hopeology!

Click Here (


Well, Anne's been done in. NO, not by Multiple Sclerosis, but by the MS Mud Run last weekend in Winter Park, CO. After 10 kilometers, 25 obstacles, through mud, uphill both ways ; ), through rock fields, tunnels, icy waist-deep mountain creeks, scaling walls made of wood planks and nets, swimming over and under logs in the mud, centimetering across wobbly tightropes, army-crawling under wire mesh and having to throw away her shoes and all of her clothes - she is now in a lovely green ankle cast. BUT had a blast and can't wait to do it again next year!

(Anne and one of her best friends from college, Mary Beth, at the Mud Run.)

Click here to donate. (This is not for Anne's Emergency Room bill!)

The MS Society is still accepting donations until the end of September. Thanks to those of you who have already donated. I raised the $500.00 needed to get a hot shower, as opposed to a cold hose down, after the run.


Now, check out this beautiful article written about Anne's journey

and "Itsera", the dojo where

she instructs Muay Thai Kickboxing.

Click Here to read the article.


Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

If you know someone who could benefit from Hopeology,
please pass it forward. Thank you!

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1244 Fox Hill Drive
Longmont, Colorado 80504

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - To thine own self be true

Hopeology Newsletter

July 2011

Summer greetings, all!

The following is an article we wrote for the
"Snap Out of It!"
Women's Conference which will be held in Dallas September 16th and 17th. Hopeology was invited to speak and run a breakout session. This in an annual event and they are preparing for 200 participants. It should be fun!

This article was written for women, but applies to everyone!

“I love you, but I love me more.”

Whoa, Nellie! Are we allowed to say that? From our earliest memories we are taught not to be selfish and that it is important to make others happy. For generations women have been giving themselves up so everyone around them could “make it”. Too often we give and give - and give ourselves away.

Saying something like “I love you, but I love me more” just sounds wrong. But the paradox is that in order to do a good job of loving others, we have to do a good job of loving ourselves first. A great analogy is that in a flying emergency we need to put on our oxygen mask before helping others. We can’t help anyone else if we’re passed out!

We at Hopeology believe that a principle reason we come to this planet is to learn to love. Yes, to love others, but perhaps most importantly, to learn to love ourselves – just the way we are, in this and every moment. Allowing ourselves to say, “Yes you, but me, too“ immediately brings new perspective and balance to situations. We are making a conscious choice to be true to ourselves.

Listen to your soul. To thine own self be true!

For those of you who are local, on August 9th Hopeology
will be giving a presentation as part of Longmont United Hospital's senior wellness program called "PrestigePLUS". The title of this summer's series is, "The Care and Feeding of Your Body, Mind and Soul". It is from 4:00 - 5:30 at the Senior Center and admission is free. We would love to see you there!
Call 303.651.8411 to register. (55+)

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter

June 2011

The recording "(Not Just for) Teen Hopelogy" is complete and currently being edited. It will be available for purchase by our next newsletter!


Embrace, Release, Heal by Leigh Fortson

We attended and spoke at two book signings for Leigh's new book, one in Grand Junction and the other in Boulder. This book is getting great reviews from friends and family, people who have had a cancer diagnosis and people who haven't.

It is a beautifully written book with several accounts of people with a terminal cancer diagnosis who emerge healthy and healed. Some of our favorite chapters are: Intuition, Energy, Belief and Gratitude.

Leigh also interviewed several MD's, naturopaths, spiritualists, cancer treatment centers and nutritional centers and gives information about how to contact them and what to expect.


Here's another Hopeology book recommendation:

The Power by Rhonda Byrne

This book talks about how powerful feelings are and how important it is for us to have good feelings.

Points of Power:
"How you feel in any one moment is more important than anything else because how you feel right now is creating your life."
"All good feelings come from love! All negative feelings come from a lack of love."
"It's your beliefs, true or untrue, that form your world."


Another "Daily Motivator" from Ralph Marston

Your Starting Point

You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your
acceptance gives you to move forward.

This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and
experience the freedom of not having to fight against it.

There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and
feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them.

Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing
judgments on it, see the real, positive value that's already

You cannot change where your past priorities and choices
have brought you. Yet you can make use of the wisdom you've
earned from it all to create a future that fulfills your
most treasured dreams.

Lovingly and gratefully accept who you've been, what you've
done, what you have and where you are. For you can now
transform it all into what you most wish to be.

Ralph Marston

This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
Copyright (C) 2011 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - Wire Your Brain for Happiness


May 2011

Wire Your Brain for Happiness!

Our brains are hardwired for fear. As we were evolving, if we were to survive and pass on our genes, it was really important for us to look in the bush for a lion 100 times just in case it was there even once. Our brains are always scanning for what is wrong, then they zero in and focus on that. Sound familiar? If ten good things happen to you in a day and then someone says something negative to you, which are you more apt to remember? You’ll probably remember the bad thing. This is called the “Negativity Bias”. Our brains are like Velcro for the bad stuff and Teflon for the good. Positive events are much more common, but negative events have more impact. And it’s not just for that day. Our brains store the fearful/negative information and retrieve it when anything the least bit associated shows up. This served us for thousands of years, but it’s time to change!

Rick Hanson, Ph.D., neuropsychologist, author, and founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom,, gives these steps to actually create new neural networks so positive experiences carry as much weight as the negative ones.

1. Focus on the good facts and intend them to become good experiences. It can be ANYTHING! Appreciating your clean house, witnessing a beautiful sunset, having a great workout, receiving a compliment – there is so much good in our lives.
2. Savor that experience. With as many senses as you can, and with feeling in your body (particularly in the heart center), savor for 10, 20, 30 seconds. You are creating new neural pathways.
3. Sense and intend that the experience is sinking in and creating new neural networks. “Neurons that fire together wire together”. As we repeat wiring positivity into our brains the trickle will eventually become a river and it will become easier and easier to notice, feel and totally experience the good in our lives.

ACHTUNG!! This next step is more advanced. Be careful with it because it expects us to hold both the positive experience and an old negative experience at the same time. What we need to be careful with is re-experiencing the old negative story. Another lap around the neural pathways can make it more ingrained, and obviously, that is not what we are after.

4. Direct the positive feelings to old places of pain. Let the new good experience associate neurologically with the old place of pain. Sooth it, infuse it with positive emotion and gradually replace the emotional charge.

It seems to us that Meridian Tapping with each of these steps would increase the receptivity! Just sayin’.

DISCLAIMER: Anne and Maura are not trained therapists, dieticians, personal trainers, doctors, acupuncturists, psychologists or anything else. They are not offering a cure or a medical remedy, they are offering ideas, theories and hope based upon personal experience. As always, check with your physician or therapist before doing anything that might cause you harm or interfere with your current treatment(s).

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter #7 - April 2011


- APRIL 2011

We are excited that it is Spring!
Spring is a new beginning, new life and new possibilities.
Bloom where you are planted!

Thank you for supporting Hopeology while we persevere! Teen Hopeology will be recorded this month and we are working on Hopeology 2. With gratitude for your patience, we would like to share what we call “Hopeology Self-Talk”. It is a new and unique exercise to help release stress – either from long ago, or from right this very moment!

Hopeology Self-Talk

1. What is the emotion or feeling you want to release – OR - What do you want to feel or experience?
2. Once identified, use the following word pattern:

I deserve... I want… I need… I demand… I choose… I allow…

Simple example: There’s too much going on – meetings, and car pools and sports and family and friends and animals, oh, my! Cats and dogs living together, fire and brimstone falling from the sky, mass hysteria! It’s all piling up.

Try this:

“I deserve space and peace…I want space and peace…I need space and peace…I demand space and peace…I choose space and peace…I allow space and peace in my life.”

More complex example: Relationships (Always complicated!)

Try this:

“I deserve healthy relationships…I want healthy relationships…I need healthy relationships…I demand healthy relationships… I choose healthy relationships…I allow healthy relationships right now.”

March 24th we had a great radio interview with Tristan Scott of I-Grasshopper. Tristan is an interesting fellow. After recovering from a severe back injury that lasted five years, Tristan created programs for healing and strengthening the body using ancient and contemporary mind-body-spirit exercises. These programs have evolved into the Satori Method. A few years ago he went into business with John Asaraf (of “The Secret” fame) to create We’ve really enjoyed getting to know Tristan. We had a lot to talk about since he has experienced something similar to Anne’s healing. You can listen to the interview at

Thanks again for rockin’ down the Hopeology path with us. If you like the way the Self-Talk works, please report back!

~Peace Out~

Maura and Anne

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hopeology Newsletter #6 - March 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - March 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day from two Irish lasses!

We have a lot going on here at HHQ! (Hopeology Headquarters) We are the very first guests for a new internet radio show
called, "I Will Survive" with Trudy Thomas and Lisa LaMendola on Friday, March 18th at 4:00 pm MDT.
Click here to listen. (It will be available by the 19th.)

On March 3rd, we had an article/interview in the Longmont Ledger.

In the next few weeks we will be recording Teen Hopeology. We're excited to get this
rolled out into an MP3 download and CD which you can purchase on Amazon, I-Tunes and We'll let you know when it is available!

We are excited to share the techniques and wisdom of Hopeology with the younger set. Teen is different than Hopeology 1, but carries the same message that as Anne learned to honor and love herself her total health returned. Teen Hopeology will instill a sense of power and worthiness. The earlier in life we recognize that being our true self is the answer to being fulfilled and happy, the more ease, synchronicity and love will show up for us. Life is meant to be a blessing! Start now!

The best you've ever been

With all its imperfections and challenges, today is still the best day yet. Though you may have known much love and joy
and fulfillment in the past, you can experience even more today.

For you can bring with you to this day the best of all you've ever known, and then you can add to its beauty. On
top of that, you can leave behind the disappointments and limiting assumptions that have held you back, and free
yourself to truly soar.

Sure, there are problems that you will face. Yet you can face them with a lifetime of wisdom and experience, more
today than you've ever had before.

You're better prepared than ever to transform those problems into opportunities. And you're more determined than ever to
transform the best of those opportunities into real, meaningful value.

All of what you've been through has made you stronger and more capable, in ways that you're not even fully aware of
yet. Today you can choose to use that ever-growing strength and ability in the service of your most treasured visions.

Whatever else may be going on, in many important and powerful ways you're the best you've ever been. Grab the
opportunity that is today, and make it into something great.

Ralph Marston
This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
Copyright (C) 2011 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.
Visit The Daily Motivator web site at for an archive
of more than 3,000 daily messages, inspirational photos and more.

Need help calming down?? click here for a FREE DOWNLOAD : )

11 minutes, 8 breath techniques.

You’ll be vewy wewaxed….


**The Hopeology 1 recording is now available on Amazon, CD Baby, I-Tunes, eMusic, Rhapsody and 9 other sites!
(But the best price is on!)**


Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

Hopeology Newsletter #5 February 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - February 2011

Greetings dear Hopeologists!

Happy February and thanks for receiving this newsletter!

We are launching (Not just for) Teen Hopeology! Yay!! We are excited to share the techniques and wisdom of Hopeology with the younger set. Teen Hopeology will instill a sense of power and worthiness in those who attend. Anne’s story is a beautiful example of learning to honor and love herself which translated into her total health – wholeness in Spirit, Mind and Body. The earlier in life we recognize that being our true self is the answer to being fulfilled and happy, the more ease, synchronicity and love will show up for us. Life is meant to be a joyful blessing! Start now! The maiden voyage will be:

Sunday, February 27th 1:30-3:30 at Itsera Martial Art School and Family Fitness
7960 Niwot Road (Next to Subway in Niwot)
$20 (Go to to pay online.)
or - 303 859 3320 - 720 253 8725

Hopeology 1.5 Workshop Wednesday, February 16th,
7 – 9 pm at
Hopeology Headquarters, 1244 Fox Hill Dr. $20.


Need help calming down?? click here for a FREE DOWNLOAD : )

11 minutes, 8 breath techniques.

You’ll be vewy wewaxed….


**The Hopeology recording is now available on Amazon, CD Baby, I-Tunes, eMusic, Rhapsody and 9 other sites!
(But the best price is on!)**


We’ve had some wonderful interviews lately!

Listen to our recent radio interviews:

"InnerSpeak NOW - Your Consciousness Connection" with Jean Adrienne Click here to listen.

"Onward and Upward with Erin Ley" on Blog Talk radio. Click here to listen the interview.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The power of giving

Giving is powerful. Many people will attempt to prevent you
from taking, yet no one can stop you from giving as much as
you wish.

Give, and you increase the value that flows through your
life. Give of yourself, and you make yourself stronger.

Every time you interact with someone else, you have the
opportunity to give that person some kind of value. Whether
it is a thing, or a thought, a gesture or a kind word, the
most powerful gifts are those that come straight from the

Many will appreciate your gifts and some will not, but that
is not the point. For it is the sincere act of giving, not
how the gift is received, that brings value and goodness to
your world.

As you give more and more, you have more to give. As the joy
of giving flows out from you, new richness fills your life.

Each moment is an opportunity to engage the beautiful,
loving power of giving. Give your best and you'll get even

Ralph Marston

This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
Copyright (C) 2011 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.
Visit The Daily Motivator web site at for an archive
of more than 3,000 daily messages, inspirational photos and more.

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hopeology #4 - January 2011

Hopeology Newsletter - January

Happy 2011!!

It is already a great year!

Teen Hopeology in Feburary 2011 at Itsera Martial Arts School and Family Fitness Center

We have three radio interviews this month!
(These interviews can be heard later online or downloaded for free.)

Thursday, January 13th at 11:00 a.m. MST with Michelle Vandepas on her Skype show "Talking Purpose" (It's Skype! We'd better gussy up!) Click here to see our interview.

Monday, January 17th at 10:00 a.m. MST with Jean Adrienne on "InnerSpeak NOW - Your Consciousness Connection" (We'll try to be conscious!) Click here to listen.

Monday, January 31st at 10:00 a.m. MST "Onward and Upward with Erin Ley" on Blog Talk radio. Click here to listen the interview.

We were on Trudy Thomas' show "Living with Hope" in December.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let peace be

Put the power of peace in your life. Let the power of peace fill your moments and your world.

When you are at peace, your thoughts and actions bring maximum results. When you are at peace, you can feel the
perfect worthiness of all that you truly are.

Peace comes with being honest, with yourself, with others, in your thoughts and your intentions. Peace comes with being
thankful without condition or limitation.

Peace is always there within you. Turn loose of the anger, frustration, worries, judgments and distractions, and that
peace will begin to shine through.

Peace is who you are when you are completely honest. Live from your authentic center, and you will live with peace.

In peace there is great positive power. Let peace be, and let it come through you.

Ralph Marston

This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
Copyright (C) 2011 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All rights reserved.
Visit The Daily Motivator web site at for an archive
of more than 3,000 daily messages, inspirational photos and more.

Magazine Articles and Photos From December:

Yellow Scene Magazine

click here to view their website and see our article!

Newspaper Article in Boulder's Daily Camera

Newspaper Article in the Washington Times

Click here to read the article "Reclaiming Life" written by John Creighton.


Download Hopeology! Save some plastic. ( :

Sending you peace and love,

Maura and Anne