We wish you a holiday season filled with love, laughter and happiness.
In this season we all need to be present and breathe through all of the busy-ness. Why? Because....The mind and body are connected by the breath and feeling and emotion. So richly live the moment you're in.... Every moment is an opportunity!
Send the gift of hope to your friends
and family!
Hopeology CDs and Download are
on sale! 25%-30% off!
Purchase Hopelogy online and download it to your Itunes or purchase it online and send/forward the email you recieve with the download link to someone special as a gift! It's the perfect gift, no shipping cost!
Just $25.00 plus tax for the download thru December 31st. ($10.00 off the regular price)
(One download allowed per purchase.)
More big news........
We have three radio interviews this month!
~Radio interview on Wednesday, December 15th at 10:00 a.m. MST, 12:00 p.m. EST "Onward and Upward with Erin Ley" on Blog talk radio, click here to listen the interview.
~ Another radio interview with Denice Chenault Wednesday, December 15th at 7:30 p.m. MST, at "The Heart of Longmont" radio show on KRCN 1060 AM Radio
~ Our last radio interview for the month is with Trudy Thomas the host of the "Living with RSD" radio show, Monday December 27th at 6:00 P.M. MST, 8:00 p.m. EST, click here to listen to the interview.
Newspaper Article
Washington Times Article, Click here to read the article "Reclaiming Life" written by John Creighton.
Magazine Article
Yellow Scene Magazine, click here to view their website and see our article which will be published in late December!
$30.00(plus tax and $4.50 shipping and handling) for a set of our CDs
$25.00(plus tax) for a our Online Download
(Check out the audio samples at www.soundcloud.com/hopeology and listen for yourself!)
Teen Hopeology is coming in late January 2011- it's going to be a great year!!
Sending you peace and love,
Maura and Anne
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hopeology #3 - December 2010
Posted by Hopeology at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hopeology #2
Hopeology Newsletter #2
Dear Hopeologist,
If we have a relationship with a person (or job, or activity, etc.) that is not bringing us joy, maybe we look inward and ask why are we in a relationship with anything or anyone that makes us feel badly?
Lots of times that word “should” shows up. Let’s be aware of feeling obligated to be with someone or to do something, even if we are ‘helping’.
Compassion doesn’t obligate us to put up with someone or something that is unloving. We like the saying, “I love you, but I love me more.”
Hopeology mini Announcement
We've just begun playing the Twitter game!
Here is what we have Tweeted thus far:
Choose to be kind and gentle and un-judgmental....with YOURSELF. : )
Stores are selling flower bulbs now. Hope in a box for those who need to know that spring actually will happen! Plant some hope today for later.
Last week's Tweet:
Let's be vigilant about holding ease and harmony until THAT becomes our habit.
This week's Tweet:
Decide to have loving friends and relationships. Something important happens when a human being decides. Things change when we decide.
You can also "like" us on Facebook:
Coming in December Hopeology CD set sale! It's a great gift for the holidays!
Big puffy clouds of love,
Maura and Anne
If you haven't already, check out the audio samples at www.soundcloud.com/hopeology and listen for yourself!
Interested?? Want it?! Click here: www.shop.infusionofhope.com (102 minutes $35) Buy it today - it's easy to do!
If you know someone who might benefit from Hopeology, please pass it forward. Thank you!
If you do not wish to receive communication from us, you can unsubscribe below.
Maura Ellis Youle
Anne Garcia McCullough
Hopeology, LLC
Posted by Hopeology at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hopeology Newsletter #2
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Great News!
Great news! A short Hopeology story to share with all of you! As of April 15th, I am not longer taking any medication! I am off all of my meds! The last one, my heart medication I had been taking for the 10 years for blood pressure and a Heart Arrhythmia! My heart is so health now that the medication I was taking was making me pass out.
Words cannot express the joy I feel in achieving this goal. It is so wonderful to wake up and know that I do not have to take any medications today or any other day! Just wanted to share that with all of you and thank you so much for your love and support, I could not have done this without you!! Anything and everything is possible! Anne
Hopeology: Transforming hope to health by changing the way you think!
Posted by Hopeology at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Article in the Longmont - Times Call
Please check out the article written about Hopeology in the Longmont Times Call. check us out at www.times-call.com/tcBusiness.
Posted by Hopeology at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Newspaper article
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Greetings, Hopeologists!
There is a company called "Heart Math" which has measured the vibrations of the heart and the brain, and has determined that the HEART emits an electrical vibration 60 - 100 times more powerful than the brain, and a magnetic field up to 5000 times more powerful. When we are in a place of appreciation, gratitude, passion (anything from the love/heart category) the heart resonates at a frequency of 0.10 hz, which is the same frequency of the energy field that envelopes our planet. COOL!
Therefore, it seems to us at Hopeology, that when we are appreciating, feeling grateful, etc. we are in the Flow. The Flow of the Universe. (Feel how your heart center feels when you are being appreciative, etc.) That is why it is so important to feeeeel when we visualize. Thoughts and visualization are powerful, but especially when we combine them with emotion. This is the place (the vibration) where miracles happen. This is where healing takes place, where intentions come true, where we are truly alive, awake, aware. And it all eminates from the heart. We all have the power, and now we have the awareness. Check out this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obH3wByguhw
In-joy your day!
Maura and Anne
Posted by Hopeology at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Monthly Posting
Monday, January 25, 2010
Hopeology Seminar in Longmont
Dear Hopeologists,
we are hosting our next Hopeology Seminar in Longmont on Saturday February 6th, 2010 at Fox Hill Country Club from 1:00 pm to 5: 00 pm. We hope that you can join us!!
Posted by Hopeology at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Seminar Dates
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Welcome to Hopeology
Our mission is to inspire others to discover their own healing ability and find a passage out of disease; to teach them that they are their own greatest advocate; to empower them to embrace their life’s purpose.
We offer seminars throughout the country based on the modalities, techniques and theories that they used to help Anne achieve her current state of WELLNESS.
visit our website for more information: www.infusionofhope.com
Posted by Hopeology at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Welcome to Hopeology